
IBAUK Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour (3,511)
2024-05-04Galina Rodnova 85519SS1000Harley-Davidson Sport Glide
2024-05-03Lenard Jubb 51199BB1500 GoldTriumph Trophy 1215SEMonte Cassino
2024-05-03Philip Weston 432SS2000KYamaha Tracer 900 GTMonte Cassino
2024-04-26Mike Lodge 85760SS1000BMW R1250 GSANightingale House Fund Raiser
2024-04-26Peter Lodge 85761SS1000Triumph Tiger 1200 XRTNightingale House Fund Raiser
2024-03-23Lenard Jubb 51199BBG GETriumph Trophy 1215SEThe Great Escape
2024-03-23Lenard Jubb 51199BB1500 SilverTriumph Trophy 1215SE
2024-03-23Ian Murat 73003BBG GEBMW R1250 GSAThe Great Escape
2024-03-23Ian Manson 78781BBG GEBMW R1200RT LCThe Great Escape
2024-03-23Gordon Sears 51239BBB GEBMW R1200GSAThe Great Escape
2024-03-23Colin Bates 64774BBB GEBMW R1200 GSAThe Great Escape
2024-03-08Lenard Jubb 51199BB1500 GoldTriumph Trophy 1215SEMonaco or Bust
2024-03-08Gordon Sears 51239BB1500 GoldBMW R1200GSAMontecarlo or Bust
2024-03-08Sean Sowley 34150BB1500 GoldBMW R1250GS AdventureMonte Carlo or Bust
2024-03-08Philip Weston 432BB1500 GoldYamaha Tracer 900 GTMonaco or Bust!!!
2024-02-29Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000BMW R100 RTLeap of Faith
2024-02-29Philip Weston 432SS1000Yamaha Tracer 900 GTLeap of Faith
2024-02-29Neil Hope-Collins 81232SS1000BMW R1200RT Leap of Faith
2024-02-29Les Bishop 79034SS1000Honda NT1100DLeap of Faith
2024-02-23Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000Triumph Trophy 1215SE
2024-02-17Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000BMW R100 RT
2024-02-17Philip Weston 4326 Nations GoldYamaha Tracer 900 GT6 Nations Gold
2024-02-17Gordon Sears 512396 Nations GoldBMW R1200GSA6 Nations Gold
2024-01-26Chris Cox 85209SS1000BMW R1250 GSA
2024-01-20Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000BMW R100 RT
2023-12-23David Hollis 70186SS1000Harley-Davidson FLHRXS Road King SpecialSANTA SORE 1000
2023-12-22Ian Manson 78781Winter Solstice 1000BMW R1200RT LCSS1000 Winter Solstice - 4 Seasons completion
2023-12-22Lenard Jubb 51199Winter Solstice 1000BMW R100 RT
2023-12-22Ian Manson 78781SS1000 (4 Seasons)BMW R1200RT LC
2023-12-08Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000BMW R100 RT
2023-11-25Gordon Sears 51239Selfie 1000BMW R1200GSA
2023-11-18Carl Melia 78787SS1000KTM Super Adventure 1290
2023-10-31Gordon Sears 51239SS1000BMW R1200GSASpooky Sore 1000
2023-10-18Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000Triumph Trophy 1200 SE
2023-10-15Foster Smith 51121SS1000Honda XL700V Transalp
2023-10-02Lenard Jubb 51199SS1000Triumph Trophy 1200 SE
2023-09-23Gordon Sears 51239Autumn Equinox 1000BMW R1200 GS AdventureSS1000 Autumn Equinox
2023-09-23Ian Manson 78781Autumn Equinox 1000Triumph Tiger 850 Sport
2023-09-13Philip Weston 432Selfie 1000Yamaha Tracer 900 GT
2023-09-09Philip Weston 432SS1000Yamaha Tracer 900 GT
2023-09-08Les Bishop 79034BB1500 GoldHonda NT1100D
2023-09-06James Ricardo 82730SS1000Honda GL1800 DCT Tour GoldwingMidlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Keith Jardine 84460SS1000BMW R1250 GSAMidlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Glenn Warren 84461SS1000Honda NT 1100Midlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Nigel Maris 82731SS1000BMW K1600 GT SportMidlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Dan Voice 84462SS1000KTM 1290 SASMidlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Craig Wakelin 84464SS1000Triumph Tiger 1200Midlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-06Simon Lawrence 84631SS1000Honda ST1300A9 Pan EuropeanMidlands Motorbikers Saddlesore 1000 Challenge
2023-09-03Lenard Jubb 51199SS1600KTriumph Trophy 1200 SE
2023-09-01Lenard Jubb 51199SS2000KTriumph Trophy 1200 SESarajevo ERTE
2023-08-26Glenn Foreman 84426SS1000Kawasaki Z1000SX
2023-08-23Johannes Esterhuyse 80237BB2500K SilverBMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-23Ernst Schubert 84459BB1500BMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-22Johannes Esterhuyse 80237BB2500KBMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-22Ernst Schubert 84459European End to End InsanityBMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-22Ernst Schubert 84459SS2000BMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-20Johannes Esterhuyse 80237BB1500 GoldBMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-20Ernst Schubert 84459SS1000BMW R1250 GS Adventure
2023-08-19Craig Goodliffe SS1000Aprilia ETV-1000 Caponord
2023-08-13Rajesh Kumar Haridas 82512SS1000Honda NT 110077th Indian Independence Day